I had been not-so-diligently pulling screenshots with the intention of showing them, of showing all the Bergman I had watched and the progression (and sometimes devolution) of his style — there was a plan, but those shots now exist only in the ether. I lost my hard drive, and it was this little thing which held these slowly accumulated shots and clips, as well as almost a decade’s worth of silly writings and photoshop play.

I was broken by the loss; it came at a time when everything in life seemed to going down a drain for myself, and I have now gone too far to ever go back. My interest in Bergman is not as fresh as it was, and my spirit is quite dampened (I know, it’s silly).

The horror frenzy that is October has brought a little pep back into my step, and I find myself wanting to start collecting again. Forgive the jump and the abrupt end of Ingmar — it was done out of a very sad necessity.